Many factors go into your decision to buy a used car over a new car. Many car buyers assume the main point of difference between new and used cars is the price and condition. Clearly a used car will be more worn and be in less perfect condition. For that sacrifice, you can expect to pay significantly less than the price of a new car.

10 Common Car Repairs to Watch Out For
The average lifetime of a car today is 11.5 years. That’s the longest ever, a testament to technological advances made by carmakers. In over a decade, a few things are bound to go wrong with a complicated piece of machinery like a car. Some of the issues you run into are easy fixes and some may require a little assistance from a certified car repair shop. The average car owner will spend $300 to $500 per year on car repairs. That can quickly add up over the years.

Discounted car warranties. The Internet has revolutionized how we car shop to save money.
The internet has revolutionized how we shop for cars, allowing consumers to take control of the car buying process to save money. Whether comparing features and prices of various auto makes and models, arranging for car loan financing and insurance, to ordering a new car or purchasing a pre-owned vehicle online, consumers can now find the best deals using the internet.

Which Car Brand is Most Dependable?
J.D. Power and Associates released its Annual Survey of the Most Dependable Vehicles. J.D. Power surveyed the owners of 2008 model year vehicles and asked the participants to report back on problems they experience with their vehicles over a 3 year period. The problems included, excessive wind noise, noisy brakes, if the vehicle pulling to the left or right, issues with the instrument panel/dashboard, and excessive window fogging. J.D. Power concluded, for the first time, Fords’ Lincoln Brand is the most dependable vehicle by their standards.

How to Shop for an Extended Car Warranty
Once you have chosen the right car for you, choosing the Extended Vehicle Warranty Package is the next most important task a car buyer has to complete. The first thing to note is that not all warranty contracts are created equal, and there are important questions you need to ask before signing up